Saturday, July 7, 2012

The miracle of Seattle/Beijing

In all my excitement, I failed to share another Father story. On our LONG flight from Seattle to Beijing, after a 3-4 hour wait on a mechanically challenged plane that soon became a transfer to a healthy plane, we had a great experience. As we enjoyed dinner, we noticed a couple beside us saying a blessing. I later wrote them a note asking if they were with Bring Me Hope and going to help orphans. They sent back a note saying they were followers from Atlanta, GA but going to adopt their 4 year old son to complete their family with 3 girls. How excited we were to share blessings for each others journeys. We ask you to remember Jared and Cindy Martin as they receive their son. We said goodnight and goodbye, only to have Father put us together again 2 times in Beijing of 15 million people. We did the cloisonné factory and the Great Wall together!!!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

1 comment:

  1. THAT IS AWESOME!!!!! I continue to talk to my Daddy for you all! Keep us posted! Love hearing these stories of Daddy things!:)
